CPH:LX 2024 participant survey

Please fill out this short survey to share your thoughts about this year’s event. We will use your answers to identify any areas we can improve in the future. Your responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential, and we will not use them for any other purpose.

The survey is dividied into five sections: “Overall experience”, “Music”, “Taster classes and daytime activities”, “Venues” and “Health and Safety” with a free-form “other” question at the end. Feel free to skip any questions you don’t want to answer. Many thanks for your participation!

Overall experience

Overall, how was your experience of the CPH:LX 2024?

Overall, how was your experience of the CPH:LX 2024?

Did you feel you receive the information you needed before and during the event?

Did you feel you receive the information you needed before and during the event?


How did you like the bands that played in the main room?

How did you like the bands that played in the main room?

How did you like the DJs that played in the main room?

How did you like the DJs that played in the main room?

How did you like the bands that played in the blues room?

How did you like the bands that played in the blues room?

How did you like the DJs that played in the blues room?

How did you like the DJs that played in the blues room?

Do you have any comments about the bands or DJs that played during the event?

Do you have any comments about the bands or DJs that played during the event?

Taster classes and daytime activities

How did you like this year's taster classes?

How did you like this year's taster classes?

Anything you would like to tell us about the tasters or teachers?

Anything you would like to tell us about the tasters or teachers?

How did you like this year's daytime activities?

How did you like this year's daytime activities?

These include the bike tour, boat trip, parade, potluck brunch and culture talk.

Is there anything you would like to tell us about the daytime activities?

Is there anything you would like to tell us about the daytime activities?


How did you like the pre-party venue (Literaturhaus)?

How did you like the pre-party venue (Literaturhaus)?

Skip this if you did not participate in the pre-party

How did you like the main Fri-Sun venue (Kedelhallen)?

How did you like the main Fri-Sun venue (Kedelhallen)?

How did you like the afterparty venue (Bartof's station)?

How did you like the afterparty venue (Bartof's station)?

Skip this if you did not participate in the afterparty

Do you have any comments about this year's venues?

Do you have any comments about this year's venues?

Health and safety

Did you think the festival took adequate measures to ensure the health and safety of participants?

Did you think the festival took adequate measures to ensure the health and safety of participants?

Measures included the code of conduct and the safety team present during the festival

Did you at any point during the CPH:LX 2024 feel unsafe or uncomfortable?

Did you at any point during the CPH:LX 2024 feel unsafe or uncomfortable?

If you answered "Yes" on the previous question, please elaborate (if applicable)?

If you answered "Yes" on the previous question, please elaborate (if applicable)?

Do you have any thoughts on how we can make the Copenhagen Lindy Exchange more inclusive?

Do you have any thoughts on how we can make the Copenhagen Lindy Exchange more inclusive?

Other comments

Do you have any other comments about this year's CPH:LX?

Do you have any other comments about this year's CPH:LX?